What is Bowen Therapy and how could it help me?
Bowen Technique is an applied physical therapy involving precise movements across relevant soft tissue designed to correct physical imbalances.
This is a well-proven technique using a sequence of movements designed to assist in relieving pain and discomfort
in muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and other connective tissue that then allows the body to bring itself into balance.
Bowen is a versatile technique that treats a range of common and uncommon ailments,
including but not limited to:
Accident trauma e.g. whiplash
Arthritis / Fibromyalgia
Back & neck ache
Breathing difficulties
Chronic illnesses
Emotional stress
Frozen shoulder
Headaches & migraines
Hormonal imbalances
Joint pains
Parkinson's Disease
Pinched nerves
Sports injuries
Strained muscles & ligaments
A treatment can take from 10 to 50 minutes and can be applied through light clothing if preferred.
Initial treatment includes a consultation about your medical history and general health and treatments are highly personalised. We will discuss your current issues or concerns with a view to addressing your specific needs and all information discussed is confidential.
Treatment Benefits:
Reduced pain and discomfort
Restored movement and mobility
Improved sense of well-being
Improved energy levels
Improved circulation
Decreased fluid retention and bloating
Improved body/mind function
Medicare & Health Insurance
Bowen Therapy is an included treatment for most health funds with extras cover and Bernadette has a registered provider number to ensure your claims are covered.